Nursery Pictures

We are leaving the basket of stuffed animals in there, so that Zach doesn't have major issues with nothing in his old room being his anymore - or that the "new kid" gets everything and he has nothing. You never know! But at least this way he has something that is "his" and he can go and play with, not being told no the whole time. Hopefully it will work.
And finally I just wanted to comment on the hanging butterflies over the crib and chair. I am so excited about these, and they are what sold me on the whole room when I was in PBK looking for bedding. How cool will it be for little Katie to look up at all the fluttering butterflies while she either falls off to sleep or is being fed in the chair? LOVE IT! The ones over the chair are at a vent, so they will blow around a lot, and then of course there's a fan in the room that will keep them all moving when it's on too. How fun! I didn't want to choke the room with butterflies, so I think I've got just enough right now as it is :- )
So there you have it! Lots still to do by way of washing and ironing all the bedding, and back-up bedding. And the closet needs a massive overhaul as the rod is so jam packed with clothes that it's hard to add anything else. I've been killing the consignment sales and finding REALLY cute stuff! So fun!
VERY cute. I definitely like it.
What about a 1 or 2 inch strip of molding where the two colors meet? I really don't think you need anything cause it already looks cute, but if you're really wanting something....just a thought.
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