Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

1st Day Back at School

After three full, and very long weeks with no school, Zachary was back in the saddle today with his big double class day! As a reminder, he starts at 7:45 in the special ed class, then goes across the hall to his "typical" classroom of 11 other 3-4 year olds until 12:00. Anyway, he was all kinds of excited when he saw me pull the ol' school bag out of the closet last night saying "school tomorrow! school tomorrow! Zachy go to school tomorrow!" The poor thing is so bored with me after 3 weeks :-)

Anyway, he did great today! I warned the teachers that we had a regression over the break on the potty front, but that he's been getting back into his groove for the last few days with fewer and fewer accidents. I think that's directly related to the fact that all his therapy's have been occurring as usual the last week or so again, so that helps him get back regimented, which he needs. Anyway, he did great at school today. When I saw the teacher walking him out for carpool, all I cared about was the pants that he had on. That's how I can immediately tell if there was an accident or not. And they were the same jeans!!! YAY!!!! He got in the car and the teacher said that he was very happy, very focused (a great word for us to hear!) and did great overall. Good stuff.

Then this afternoon he was turning on ceiling fans around the house, while I was turning them off behind him. I finally took the remotes for the fans from the wall and he was not happy about that. He actually said "Mommy, turn the fan on" to me. That is so huge, you could never know. Normally it would be "fan on" or "fan is on" or "mommy fan on". But I tell you these last few weeks may have been a little boring with no school and minimal therapy for him, and he may have regressed in potty training, but his speech gains have been amazing. The kiddo has all the words he needs to make full sentences and "talk" to us regularly, he just doesn't do it. So hearing "Mommy, turn the fan on" was a huge step! I usually only hear that when I prompt/force him to say a full sentence. I can't wait to tell his Speech Therapist tomorrow! Unprompted, full sentences are exactly what we've been working towards for over a year and a half now! YAY!!!


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