Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

This and That

We had Zach's Meet & Greet today for his soccer team. It is the cutest darn thing to watch all these 4 year olds running around kicking the ball, trying to understand what to do, running "drills", etc. I love it! His first game is next Saturday, and they practice each week right before their games. I can't wait to put Zach in the full gear; shin guards, cleats, his team shirt and of course his own little size 3 soccer ball! Whether he plays well or not, he's sure going to look cute!!! HA! But seriously, he had fun running around today with the other kids and kicking the balls around. I think that he's going to do well with this sport because it will keep him running and chasing, not just standing around waiting for his next turn or whatnot. Now we've just got to somehow practice getting him in the mind set of TAKING the ball from others. The kids are taught not to take things, but to share.... hmmmmm... that's going to be a challenging balance to achieve. Share everywhere else, but not on the soccer field :-)

Our power struggles continue on the home front. He's very into saying "no" right now and just flat out not doing what we ask him to do if it's not in his immediate interest. Like last night for example, he'd been looking forward to going to eat pizza with Daddy (Daddy's been away for a few days). But moments before Daddy was to get home and we were to leave for the pizza joint, he started playing with a toy. So then when I told him it was time to go, he said that he didn't want to go eat pizza anymore, he wanted to stay at home (not in that many owrds of course, but very clearly that was what he was getting at). So this is a minor example, but everyday it's like this. Things he likes/would want to do at any other time are fought because of somethingelse going on that very second. Grrrr.... it's like he's just wanting to fight with us. And for the first time EVER, he threw a toy at school Thursday. Thank God it was in the Special Ed class where it doesn't really phase them, but it REALLY phases me as he's never been physically aggressive before when he's not wanting to do something. Dead weight when you try to pick him up.... sure. Screaming in hopes that you'll give in so that he'll quiet down.... sure. But throwing things??? WOA! So we've got some work to do to get him to respect authority and do what he's told. Sounds easy enough right? :-)


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