Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Recapping - and Happy New Year!

So the day after my last post Zach came down with a nasty stomach bug! YUK!!!! Fortunately it was true to the theory in that it only lasted about 24 hours. And thankfully this go-round it all occurred during the daylight hours! That's the worse having to clean sheet and hair and all that when it happens at night! Anyhoo - Matt and I both managed to escape it this time, and everything was fine for Christmas Day! We did miss his Special Ed class party and his playgroup party this year, but what can you do. I was just thankful that Christmas wasn't ruined!

So Christmas.... it was the best yet for us! Zach kinda "got it" and was excited about presents. On Christmas morning he was hesitant to come downstairs. I think it was because he truly thought (and was maybe scared) that Santa was downstairs. Autistic children take things VERY literally. So the night before at a Christmas Eve party he'd heard 100 times about "Santa coming tonight" and "what is Santa bringing to your house" etc. I think he was scared to see Santa downstairs, in his house. Kinda funny.... anyway, the gifts were all huge successes! He got a full scale drum kit, an accordion, a music triangle, bath tub drums and flutes, and then a 3 piece horn set from the grandparents. We really fed into his love for music this year, and it was a smart thing to do because he was so happy! So happy in fact that he didn't care about continuing to open gifts - he just wanted to play with each new musical toy he got!!! Love it!


Two days after Christmas we took a little mini-vacation to Nashville. It was fine and Zach did great in a hotel room with us. He really is pretty go-with-the-flow, of which we know that we are blessed. Many Autistic kids can't deviate from routine very well. Zach's always been pretty flexible.

Now that we've been back a few days we've had some major regression with Zach's potty efforts. He's having multiple accidents each day - and he's been well past that for months now. I really think it's because he's had no therapy or school at all for 11 days. He was even asking for school last night. I know that he's confused. And now I know that he's in need of the structure/discipline that therapy and school give to him. It happened over Thanksgiving week too. And now we have another week to go.... but at least he does have therapy this week. That will help. I'm going to bring out more games and flash cards and such - hopefully that will get him through the doldrums of days at the house. It's crazy how trained he apparently is to go-go-go, as we do each day of the normal weeks. Now that it's lazy days around here, he's regressing. He's happy, don't get me wrong, just regressing in the potty area. Strange.

Otherwise all is well. We are looking forward to a new year! I know in my heart 2007 will only continue to bring good things and forward movement for our family. With a new baby in June and another year of therapy and school for Zach, I see myself with a big smile on 12/31 of 2007 updating this blog with all the great things that happened in 2007. So I guess you could say that striving for positive forward progress and having a can-do attitude are my New Year's Resolutions! Happy New Year everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Courtney,

I have to admit, I thought you hadn't updated this blog since September. I thought you quit. Turns out, when I saved the blog to my favorites, I saved the particular entry and not the blog in general. So, every time I clicked on it, I thought it was the same entry. Elizabeth was the one to tell me that you've been updating which drew me to the problem. Duh!! Well, I'm caught up now. Several months of entries all at once. :-)

Glad the holidays went well for you and your family. I'm sure we'll talk to you soon.


1/05/2007 6:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and I do want to say, "hey..." :-) I'm referring to your entry a while back about where are all the autistic adults. You said maybe they're accountants. :-) I know we're a different breed though, so fair enough. HA!

1/05/2007 6:34 AM  

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