Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Friday, February 02, 2007

It's a GIRL!!!!!!

So the big sonogram was today, revealing that IT'S A GIRL!!!! We are thrilled to be having a girl, just truthfully as we would have been if it had been a boy. HEALTHY is really what's important, and so far we are looking good in that department. It was very reassuring to see the heart doing it's thing, a good heart beat, the kidneys, etc. Good stuff! All the measurements are right on target as well with her, so everything is looking great. And now I get to go shopping for pink things!!!!

So while we are thrilled to be having a girl, we are also very relieved to be having a girl as well. As I've mentioned before, and those reading that know more about autism know - boys are 4 times more likely than girls to have autism. And our chances are double that of an average parent (which is 1 in 166 - so our chances are 1 in 83) to have a second child with autism. So a girl brings us a little relief and a lot of hope, that's for sure!

In other news, Zach's language is just exploding lately. We are so thrilled with his progress. And just as of this week he's decided that he's no longer interested in watching his TV shows. WHAT??? Oh my, what am I to do with him now :-) Just kidding, the TV wasn't always on, but it was nice to have for a few breaks during the day. Now he wants constant attention and needs things to do/redirection. I never thought I'd say those words - we never knew when/if he'd really want to be so social and "with" us. It's a wonderful shift for sure, but it's also a challenging one! We're breaking out games, playdough, beads (if anyone needs a lovely multicolored bracelet, we have about 30), paint, etc to try and keep him occupied and learning. Some days are more difficult when he says no to all my ideas. But the great thing is that he's not zoning into the TV anymore but instead wanting to play and be social. It's great!

Okay, gotta organize all my thoughts now that I can think pink!!! :-) Lace and frills and pink - oh my!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And dresses and tights and much fun!!! Congrats again.

Oh, and I'll take a bracelet. :-) Better them for your daughter and tell her that her older brother made them for her. cute!!!

2/02/2007 11:09 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Wow! Everyone's having girls now.
Almost makes me want to get pregnant again - almost.

Sell the bracelets and donate the money to autism stuff.

2/02/2007 12:41 PM  

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