Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Now 1 in 150 kids...

This is really scary.... the CDC released last Thursday that the odds of having a child with Autism have now risen from 1 in 166 to 1 in 150. What is going on???

Is it the mercury in the vaccinations infants receive? Is it genetic only? Is it not really an epidemic, but rather better means of diagnosing it? Or something completely different? Who knows. It just is frightening no matter what the "cause" is.

Zach is set for his 4 year well visit with the pediatrician next week where he will get 3-4 vaccinations. Will I allow them to give all 4 to him at the same time? I'm really not sure just yet. Is there a real reason other than convenience to shoot all that junk through his system in one sitting? Nope. So we'll see. I'll be doing some serious ingredient reading of the vaccinations for the first time ever to ensure that there is no thermisol/mercury in the shots. While I'm not sure that I'm on board with that theory that the shots cause Autism, I'm certainly not going to turn a blind eye and risk my son regressing. It's just not worth it when I can drive to the pediatrician's office a few times and spread the shots out more. But then again Zach has to go through the trauma of shots twice if I do that.... decisions, decisions. And truthfully I'm very angry that these are even things I should have to think about. Why can't we just trust that what the GOVERNMENT approves to be injected into our children is safe? I'm just going to hope that the shots don't have thermisol/mercury in them and my decision will be easy.

But 1 in 150 now. Insane.


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