Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Little Things

I apologize for my lack of posting in the last few weeks. Truthfully the only time I really feel a strong urge to express anything is when something challenges, upsets, or just plain annoys me - and that's not how I want our life with Zachary to be portrayed. I really have to stop and see the little things, or I'll miss all the good things about my son. And there really and truly are so very many good things about him. Of course. But sometimes it's hard to appreciate and recognize those things when your just so darn frustrated with his potty accidents (still) at age 4, or the fact that no matter what activity suggestion I have, he says no to it because it wasn't his idea. Or how he's been so head strong lately, even getting put in time-out at school for not listening and doing what he's told, that I really don't have a solution other than threatening and bribing. And neither of those are solutions, they are just strategies for making things work right then and now. And on and on. So we're going to appreciate the little things right now.

One great thing that's happening recently is his speech. I know I've said that many times before, but ya' know - I just don't care. It's truly amazing when we step back and look at it. He's making so many sentences. He's talking first in a conversation, not just answering questions. The length of words in his sentences has grown. And even his awareness of new words to make each sentence a little different is ever-changing. And there have been a few questions asked recently even. We were at the playground the other day. I had told him that some of his friends would be joining us. We were the first ones there and he played a while on his own. But then I could tell that he was growing bored. He said: "mommy, we can go to playground now and play with friends?" Yes, the words are a bit off. But you got it didn't you? Yes, we were already at the playground. But that was his way of asking where his friends were. It was great. Amazing actually. And we're hearing that stuff all the time now.
But wait, there's more:

- "Mommy, two more minutes then nap time"
- "Grandpa, are you eating ice cream?"
- "It's Zachy's turn."
- "No, I climb up a slide, not ladder."
- "I blow hundreds of bubbles and kick, kick, kick." (when talking about swim class)
- "That's a baby caterpillar. Hi baby. Be gentle. Caterpillar starts with the letter K." (we'll all cut him some slack on that one, it does sound like it starts with a K right? :-)

So all of this and more coming from a kiddo who could barely manage to say "want more" as his biggest sentence about 4 months ago... yep, that kinda trumps the potty stuff.

Another "little thing" to appreciate right now is the AMAZING support we've received for the upcoming Autism benefit walk in downtown Atlanta. I am beyond moved and touched at the friends and family members who want to give up part of their Saturday's to come down and walk with us, in honor of all the families like ours who have a child with Autism. This walk will raise money to hopefully one day find a cure, or at the very least give some answers. But it's also raising awareness, which Autism needs. And our kids deserve. So a big, huge thank you to everyone that is walking with us, and everyone that has donated money. If you want to join in on the fun post it in the comments, or email me!


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