Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Monday, April 14, 2008

A Successful Walk Indeed!

This past Saturday was the annual Walk for Autism in Atlanta! For the 3rd year, we formed "Team Zachary" and worked to raise money to benefit Autism Speaks, a company dedicated to research for Autism in the hopes of one day understanding where Autism comes from, as that is still something that remains a mystery. Today, 1 in 150 individuals is diagnosed with autism, making it more common than pediatric cancer, diabetes, and AIDS combined.

Our team raised nearly $2,800 with a few donations still trickling in! AMAZING! We are so humbled and warmed by each and every donation that we received, many from people that don't even know us personally. And we are touched each year by our friends and family that join us on walk day to show their support as well. This year was a rainy one, so I am especially grateful for those that came out in the rain with us!

It was a fun, but wet, morning - and Zachary had a great time walking with us, seeing Geoffrey the giraffe from Toys R Us again this year, and building a fire truck at the Home Depot tent! Then he and I went over to IKEA and put in another mile or so walking around that store! He was pooped (and so was I!) by the time we got home, asking for a band aid for his legs since they had a boo boo on them - translation: his legs were tired :-)

Thank you again to everyone for your support! Until next year....


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