Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Stop Say Me a Piggy

Something so funny that Zach is saying these days... when we are joking around with him and calling him a baby (when he's whiny) or a piggy (when he's eating without manners) or something of that nature, he will say "stop say me a piggy - I'm a big boy"! It's so funny to hear some of the things out of his mouth these days now that he's talking so much more. Since he doesn't know how to say "stop CALLING me a piggy", since calling in his literal mind means picking up the phone and making a call, he knows that say means to talk and since we were talking to him I guess that is where he came up with stop say me a piggy. It just makes you think about how his brain works. And it truly makes us realize how much harder he has to work at formulating sentences than the rest of us do.

Another example, today he was trying to say something that Daddy did a while ago. But he doesn't know how to speak in past tense really, nor the words for describing something that happened "last week" or "last year" or "a long time ago", etc. So he simply said "yesterday" for what he was describing. He's trying :-) And when he doesn't know the words he improvises. Good for him!

Happy Holidays to all!!!!


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