Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Catching Up

Man, so sorry that I haven't updated in a while! Things have been a little crazy as with the surprise that I'm pregnant and the moving debate, not to mention getting used to the fact that we are going to be parents to THREE kiddos (!!!) things have been a little hectic! But all is well, and Zachary is still doing so great, so I guess that makes it easier to forget about his blog.

We are all registered and ready for the Autism Walk in April in Atlanta! We've got about 12 walkers so far, and over $1200 raised! Should be a fun day, and of course for a good cause! I am so very thankful to all of those that I know that have registered to walk and/or donated money!!! And I am so very touched by all those that have donated money that don't even know us. So cool.

We've had some fun Easter festivities this month! We had an Easter Egg Hunt in our subdivision and Zach had one at school too. This was the first year that he really GOT IT and I wasn't running around behind him reminding him to actually pick up the eggs and put them in his basket. It was refreshing that he knew what to do AND actually did it AND had fun all at the same time. Sounds weird to be thankful for that, I'm sure, but what many don't understand is that an Egg Hunt is a very abstract thing to a kid with autism. I mean think about it - you are to grab colored, plastic eggs and put them in a basket, quickly, while other kids are all running around crazy around you.... why? Being very literal is hard. Abstract words, concepts, and ideas are very hard for him. So we celebrate when things click! So very cool! We will be doing some egg dying this weekend and another egg hunt. I know that the egg dying will be another of those not-really-into-it activities for him, since it's kinda weird, but we'll give it a go! It will help that there will be other kids around him doing it too, as he's very, very monkey-see-monkey-do these days.

But things are good. He's starting to ask questions, which is HUGE! He's back in total potty trained mode again, and we hope, hope, hope it will last this time... but we've been here many times before... And he's still just loving school, loving "hanging with the boys", and doesn't want to play on his own. All good!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

moving debate? are you thinking of moving to a new house for the third kiddo? where are you thinking about going? come to mableton!

3/25/2008 5:00 AM  

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