Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

It's Potty Time!

So it is with a great, big exhale that I write about Zach's recent potty training success! He is totally initiating on his own now - all the time! Even when we are at different places. Even at school. Good stuff! And he looks for no attention from it at all, just goes in, does his thing and then leaves without even glancing at us. And here I've thought all this time that rewards and high fives and "way to go's" were the key to success. I just think that maybe Zach just didn't want all the attention, as that's why when we backed off he became successful. Or maybe it's because he watched the other kids at school. Or maybe it's just because he was finally ready. Whatever the case and reason, I don't really care. We're just glad to not really have to think about Zach's bladder and bowels every hour of the day anymore!!!

His speech is still steadily climbing. While we were in the waiting room at his therapy yesterday, he was playing with the toys with another boy, about 3 years oldish. The boy put a toy in his mouth and Zach said - very clearly - "Little boy take the toy out of the mouth. You don't put toys in your mouth. You're not a baby. Only babies put toys in the mouth." Then a few minutes later, he noticed it in his mouth again and said "now take that out of the mouth little boy. Now take it out." Those are great sentences! Totally unprompted, all on his own. And we hear lots of that these days - where he's giving us more that one sentence.

For the first time ever, Zach is really, truly excited about a holiday! And he totally "gets it" too!!! He is READY, READY, READY for Halloween to get here! He is going to be Buzz Lightyear and tells us daily when we say a casual "hey boy" or "come here dude" that "I not a dude mommy, I am a space ranger." Oh, well excuse me Mr. Buzz :-) He loves his costume, and is ready to go trick or treating. And can I say how much more fun holidays are going to be now with a kid that isn't just being walked through the ritual motions, but is truly understanding what is going on and going to happen, and insanely excited about it?!!! How cool!

All is well elsewhere. Everything is still the opposite of what we suggest. He still fights eating SITTING at a table. And we're having some attention span issues with circle time at school - but those are all so minor and easily replaced by the sweet words he speaks and the potty he now uses :-)


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