Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Lots of Progress

I just can't say enough that I am so very excited at Zachary's continued speech progress. I had many concerns with the ending of his school year with both classes... that he'd fall out of the routine and pressure from teachers and kids to talk, that he'd get lazy, or maybe that he'd regress, etc. But he's done great in the few weeks with only therapy. I mean GREAT! I think we are at a point now where we aren't going to be seeing his language and social gains in short spurts like the last few years, but instead he's just reached a point of continued learning. Like typical children do. And that is pretty comforting and encouraging.

We've been going to the pool a lot. He's a fish, that kid! Besides swimming great on his own, I've really seen a lot of changes in him socially by just sitting back and watching him interact at the pool. There is not one other social instance where I can just watch and listen from a distance without him really aware of me. At play groups and such I'm never far from him, but at the pool I am (when Daddy's in the water and/or he has his vest on). So I've seen the major changes in him since this time last year - in comparing pool apples to pool apples, if you will. Just today an older kid and his brother were being a little mean to him and a few other younger kids by splashing them like crazy when they came anywhere near them. It only took a minute or two of Zach laughing along and trying to splash back for him to realize that these boys weren't just being silly! So he says "Stop doing that" over and over to them. Loudly. Doesn't sound like much, but he - (1) on his own - made an (2) appropriate sentence and said it at a (3) volume that could be heard by others, to his (4) peers!!! That is 4 major components that are not usually lined up together. Another example; he was playing with a girl's pool toy last week and she decided that she wanted it back so proceeded to yank it from him. He held on tight and with all 4 components above (YAY!) said "You have to share with me!". Loved it! Then many times he'll say to me/Daddy "It's not time to go yet" or "Daddy are you going to swim?" or "I can have some of mommy's drink" (which while not appropriate grammer, it's a full sentence!). Good stuff like that, on and on. But the real gems are when he talks to other kiddos. On his own. Loud enough for them to hear. And in complete sentences. The magic 4-some! He is continually coming out of his shell and joining us. Welcome, welcome!

And on to the Baby Katie update. There's really not much to say. I'm at 38 weeks and five days today. The 23rd is approaching! But of course it could be any second. I'm sitting on go all nested and ready!! The doc said this week that if she doesn't come out on her own, he will absolutely want her out by the end of the 41st week (by the 30th). So worse case scenario, I will meet my little girl in 16 days. But I sure hope it's sooner!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear that Zach is doing so well. He's going to love having a baby sister to play with too. :-)

Is there something special about 41 weeks that elevates the drs concerns? Besides the obvious that the suspense will be killing you by then!!! I sure hope everything continues to go well and I hope she comes on her own time...sooner than later though for your sake. :-)

6/15/2007 4:45 PM  

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