Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Okay, Okay - a BABY Update!!!

Yep, I'm still pregnant! I'm 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant to be exact! And truthfully, I feel just fine. Well - big, huge, uncomfortable, full, achy at times, and not comfortable sleeping - but hey, I AM pregnant after all. So other than the to-be-expected's, all is well and I really can't complain.

I had an appointment this week, and there's nothing shaking with the baby. I'm not dilated at all. And I'm really fine with that. No hurry. You cook all you need to little Katie girl. I can wait until the 23rd or so to meet you! It's just 23 days! Although my doc (who also delivered Zachman) did offer to "speed things up" on the 21st or 22nd, if I'm showing any kind of signs of labor at all, as he will be out of town the weekend of my due date. Matt and I have discussed this, and we're going to pass. I don't see a need for induction (therefore extra drugs) unless medically necessary. I would LOVE for the same doc, and MY doc at that to deliver both of my kiddos. But I don't love the idea so much that I want to speed along a baby that may have otherwise wanted a few more days of growth and development. We're still just so unsure about Zachary's birth (I was 100% induced, but only a day or two early). Would he have stayed in for another few days or even a week and done some more growing? And would that have changed who he is? Who knows. But drugs and rushing it for the sake of comfort and convenience with a particular doc - not this time for me. Hopefully it won't even be an issue (although we've already decided) and she'll come on out at her own time before or after that missing-doc weekend. Only she'll know that little secret!!

So we're set on GO! Just waiting and prepping. And speaking of prepping, there's this little guy in the house, you know - the one this blog is about, who is all about babies right now. We have three good books about Arthur, the little bear of The Berenstein Bears, and then just a random cartoon family that all have new little sisters on the way. Those are Zach's favorite books right now that we have to read to him each night. And he loves to talk in his baby voice and say "awwwwww feels so soft" and "that feels better" and things that are gentle, caring, and baby themes. I guess it's good that he's kicking into delicate baby mode, and caring to read books about boys getting baby sisters, but let's hope it doesn't cause major regression. I know that most kiddos go that with the addition of a baby, but we really can't afford too much regression with him. Time will tell.

Okay, not much else going on. School's out. Therapy is doubled. Gym classes have started and he's swimming like a fish almost everyday! Summer is some good stuff!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great update! And you sound good... That makes me happy.
Love Mom

5/31/2007 2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. My girls will arrive via c-section on the 22nd if I haven't gone into labor before then, so there's always that chance that they'll share a birthday. :-) You bring up interesting points about taking them before they're ready. You give me a few hesitations, but I've been assured that 37 weeks is perfectly healthy. Hmmmm. I think by the 22nd, I'll just be so uncomfortable and really, really ready.

We'll have to have "play" dates while I'm out on maternity leave.

Take care.

6/01/2007 7:05 AM  
Blogger Nicole said...

Zachary will be an awesome BIG brother. He is such a great kid. I'm sure Katie can't wait to meet him. Nicole

6/11/2007 7:44 PM  

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