Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Diagnostic Testing Update

Today was Zachary's follow-up appointment with his Developmental Pediatrician - the doc that diagnosed him. We go about every 5-6 months for a testing session to see where Zach falls in both expressive and receptive language as well as a few other areas physically (like muscle tone, coordination, etc). It's always a nerve-wrecking appointment for me personally, as we work so hard in the months in between to get to that appointment and sit on the other side of a two-way mirror and hope and pray that Zach "performs" well for the doc. Hope and pray that he does well, therefore showing improvement. Therefore improving. Therefore not "AS" autistic. Not as delayed. Making progress. Moving forward, not backward. Moving. I wait, inhale and exhale slowly hoping and hoping that he'll ace the doc's test. That we'll hear good, uplifting news. That we'll leave his office each and every time we go with a little lighter step.

And today we did. Zach is doing great, as we knew. His Receptive Language (what he understands) measured in at a FIVE YEAR OLD range!!!!!! He's 4 years 7 months now! In other words, the kiddo knows what's being said to him. Understands, takes in, and KNOWS more than he should for his age. Smarty pants :-) He's always had higher marks in this area than in the Expressive Language (what he speaks) though. His age equivalent there was at 4 years 4 months. So behind his age. Which we knew of course. His speech delay is his biggest hurdle to jump now, and always. But he is steadily closing that gap. As I've said before, if we could just press pause on all other kids for about 12-18 months.... But since we can't - we'll continue to work hard, press him, and see positive changes like we have been. It's all we can ask of him, and all that he can give us. And that's just fine.

So overall it was a great appointment. And it was his 6th one since the original diagnosis back in June of 2005. And I'm a so-very-proud mommy to say that with each appointment, things keep getting better. Even the problems that we are dealing with keep getting more and more "normal" and typical of that of a regular, plain ol' kid. Not problems that are unique only to our family. And that feels good. Well, it's not so good to deal with the head-strong, my way or the highway child that we have these days. But it is damn good to know that every single parent will deal with this same problem for once.

The boy's doing great. And today he was happy to let us know that "Zachy gets to be the line leader on Wednesday". That's the big time at school :-) And that sentence alone brings a bit of peace to my heart. We're a long way down the road from where we started for sure.


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