Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Friday, June 22, 2007

It's been Two Years!!!

Still here.... still pregnant.....

This past weekend marked the TWO YEAR anniversary of Zachary's official Autism diagnosis by the developmental pediatrician. Two years! My goodness they have flown by. What is so neat in looking at the past two years is to really see how far we've come. Of course I'm including Zach's amazing progress in these two years, but I am also referring to how far WE'VE come - in that I mean Matt and myself.

Two years ago this week I was losing it. Chasing after any, ANY piece of reading material I could get my hands on that would explain to me how in the world I was going to get past this. How in the world we were going to deal with Zach for the rest of his life. How would we ever get him to talk? Would it ever end? Is there really a way to "fix" him? And on and on. Every desperate thought you can imagine. Frantic. Panic. Those were very much a part of our lives.

Over the next year I'd read every single book published after 1995 on Autism. I even read a few of the earlier ones for a good laugh - as they all claim that it was the mother not loving the child enough that caused the Autism! HA! Anyway, I of course went all the way around the world wide web and back as well, bookmarking hundreds of websites and blogs like this one and reading every day about all these other kids therapies and progress. ANYTHING I could get my hands on. If there was a random type of non-common therapy out there - I wanted to know about it. If there was some magical cure - I was GOING to find it!

But two years later, as I have slowly over time deleted and deleted those bookmarks from my computer, I realized this anniversary weekend that I now have 4 blogs that I read now. And about 10 websites that I keep because they are relative to where we are now with Zachary and things I will need to reference in the future regarding laws for schooling, etc. And I don't have a clue when the next Autism book is being published anymore. And I don't spend everyday mourning the loss of my dream "typical" child. My every thought is not encompassed by finding that secret cure. Or reading about others in the same boat.

And what all of this is saying is that it's going to be alright. It really is.


Blogger Nicole said...

We are soooo proud of your progress Zachary. You have touched so many hearts and lives. You are one special boy. XOXO, The Deriso's

6/25/2007 7:13 PM  

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