Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Catching Up

WOW - sorry for the neglect! I haven't really had anything too groundbreaking to report over the last month. We've just been cruising right along, adjusting schedules around school and therapy, and a new baby! But things are indeed going well (Katie's sleeping through the night!) and I guess it's a no-news-is-good-news-thing.

So Zach's school... he's been doing great there! The reports that I get from his teacher are always very good. He's making friends, and really LOVES school! He never gives me any grief getting out the door in the mornings, and is always very tired when I pick him up. The art work that they've sent home is so good that I've even asked the teachers if it is indeed HIM doing it!!! The child won't even hold a crayon for me at home, much less actually draw anything - but the work their sending home is full of coloring, so I was a little skeptical! But they say that they are not doing any kind of hand over hand with him, or "threatening" him that if he doesn't finish he can't play, or whatever. It's all on his own. WHAT?? Why won't he do that for me at home? Oh well, at least he's doing it in a learning environment where it really counts I suppose. Then they say that he's one of the best eaters at lunch time! I was so happy to hear that. He actually stays seated and eats all of his lunch! Sounds simple enough, but the whole staying seated part was what I didn't think would happen. When his attention span isn't there, he's not likely to stay put. But I guess in that kind of environment, he does what everyone else does!

The teacher did tell me in last weeks report that he's getting to be too smart for some of their group learning activities. For instance, he already knows numbers/letters/shapes and so when they are doing class time, she is now having to get him to be a teacher's assistant of sorts because he is bored with the lessons about things he already knows. I think this is going to be a common occurrence with him throughout school. Please don't see this as bragging, as it isn't. It's just that he is able to grab ahold of quick facts or pieces of information and retain them easily. It's the long sentences he has trouble with - hence the speech delay. So he learned days of the week, letters, shapes, animals, numbers, etc very early for his age because it's quick and one word. And I swear the kid never forgets ANYTHING! Ever! So going forward it will take a little magic on the part of the teacher to keep him focused and attentive when they are working on learning things he already knows. He's going to have to be challenged/entertained somehow - and thankfully this teacher is already aware of it and making adjustments on her own account! I really do feel so very thankful that he was paired with her as this could go so wrong if it were a different uninterested teacher.

As for the potty area, we still are making snails pace progress. He will go days and days of fully initiating on his own, not looking for any praise, and just really "getting it". Then I feel like we are home free! But then the next day he will pee in his pants at school.... UGH! Baby steps. But he does seem to be getting it now. Even with BMs. Every time he goes in the potty is one less nasty pair of underwear I have to clean, so I am thrilled with his progress :-) Seriously though, I truly do feel like we are weeks away now from finishing this year and a half training session. Hopefully.

So with Zach's continually emerging speech, his love for school, and his new desire to always WANT someone to play with him (HUGE for a child with Autism), there's a good chance that we are not going to kill him as a result of his back talking and head strong ways these days!!! He's finally found his voice and we think that he's catching up on the last two years of not being able to talk back, say no, or argue with us!!!! HA! So while this behavior is totally frustrating, it's also totally normal. So we'll grit our teeth and hang in there! As my Dad says - this too shall pass! But there is some comfort in knowing that although it's maddening, his behavior THIS TIME is what every parent of typical children go through. So it's not just us for once!!!


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