Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day of School!!!

Today was Zachary's first day of Pre-K!!! What a big boy! We really talked it up over the last week, making sure that he understood that he'd have different teachers this year than last, that he'd be eating his lunch at school now, and most importantly - that he needs to go to the bathroom in the potty!!! He was really excited yesterday as he knew that Monday = school! And then this morning he woke up saying "we go to school on Monday, right mommy?"! A very excited boy. He got out at carpool with only a slight hesitation, and then didn't look back at the car or anything like in years past.

Monday's and Wednesday's he will go from that "typical" Pre-K classroom to his special ed class for only about an hour. When I picked him up from that class today, the teacher (who he's had for 3 years now) said that he had a great day. She went on and on about how she can see how he's progressed over the summer, etc! And then.... get this.... you ready...... wait until you hear this..... she said "I really don't think I want to see Zachary in my class anymore"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT???? How awesome is that!!! She explained that she feels like he really has nothing to gain socially or academically from her class, and therefore the students in her class. In other words he's advanced beyond the ability of the school system's Special Ed program to help him further. This is fantastic to hear, and truthfully I kinda figured he wouldn't stay in that class also, but I just thought it would come in a few months - not the first day! But she said, and I agree, that there is just no need to keep him coming there when it's not really benefiting him. The "typical" class is where he needs to be to make the social and speech gains from peers. SO... after we work out a few school system kinks, we are going to drop that program all together for now. He may still go once a week just to get his speech therapy from them - but I'm not even as worried about that since we do our own ST from a private therapist and have been for 2 years now. I'm so proud of my boy and his progress!!!!

That being said, there's always a flip side, right? The potential problem here comes into play IF and only IF he isn't able to hold his own in this typical Pre-K class. Then what? The school system's program would really hurt him since he's the star (if you will) of that class. So he'd have nothing to gain there, and therefore we'd not take a step back and put him in that class. And if he's not doing okay on his own in the traditional class... well that leaves no where for him to go. So we are going to cross our fingers, toes, and eyes and hope that he continues to not only thrive personally in that class, but also fit in with the norm in regards to the teachers efforts in watching/teaching him so that he doesn't become a problem to them, or too much for them. And no one foresees that at this point, but you never know...

So it was a great day!! And my little boy who couldn't say a full sentence 6 months or so ago just said to me "Mommy, I all done with the trains. Put the trains away. Let's do cars on the train table now. Okay mommy?" You bet little man.


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