Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

These People Are Made for Walkin'!

Our second annual Autism Walk was a success!!! Since last year we were still "in the closet" so to speak, it was just 3 of us walking. This year was much different! We had FIFTEEN people walking this past Saturday for Team Zachary in the "Walk Now" walk for Cure Autism Now and Autism Speaks. Those are THE two big dogs in our world of finding a cure and/or an explination for this thing called Autism. The money goes to a very, very good cause - research. And money we raised indeed - $2,055!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it! Our hearts are so touched by all the nice donations that we received from both those that we know personally, as well as perfect strangers that opened their wallets to a good cause! So to the 15 people giving their time to walk with us, and all the financial supporters of Team Zachary, we sincerely thank you. It means more than we could ever say.

My financial goal was only $1,000 for our team and I'd hoped to have about 8 walkers.... I need to set my sights higher next year :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, I know it's Zach's blog, but you should be about to pop, as you're less than a month away at this point. How about a Katie update? Are you still doing well?

5/31/2007 9:52 AM  

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