Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Future's Looking Bright!

I know that I have written this statement: "Zachary's speech is improving/doing really well/making great gains/etc/etc/" a lot lately, but I just can't stop saying it over and over. It's is flat out amazing how well he's doing. It's literally as if he's been asleep vocally the last few years and all of a sudden woke up... he's still a little groggy from his long nap, but as he continues to come alive he continues to have more speech. So amazing. Wonderful. Full sentences. All of it unprompted and in his own words. I am continually shocked and talking to others about the new things he said today. Everyday.

I truly believe that this is God's way of letting us know that everything is going to be okay. That Zachary has a bright future ahead of him. That our family has a bright future ahead of us. That we can add another family member and everything will be okay. That I can stop worrying... well maybe that I can stop worrying as much, because if you know me at all you know that I'm going to continue to worry about my son. And about the future of my unborn daughter. I will have one eye on each one of them for years and years to come, just waiting for a chance to exhale and realize that it did indeed turn out alright.

But I just think that it's going to. The sun is out, and it's bright.


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