Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

And Now He's 4!!!

Yep, we can't believe it, but we now have a four year old!!! Crazy how time flies! Zachary turned four on Sunday. His birthday party was a big success this year! He actually was excited and understood that it was HIS birthday! He asked every day last week for his birthday party, birthday cake and birthday presents :-) I had to explain that today was Wednesday (or Thursday, etc) and that his party is on Saturday. Amazingly as soon as I started to explain the days of the week thing to him, he chimed right in knowing the next day of the week in order. I was shocked, as I've never worked with him on calendar stuff, he must have learned it at school. But regardless, he understood that Saturday was his party, and it wasn't Saturday yet. Way cool. But he still asked everyday for his party anyway :-) What kid wouldn't I suppose!!

His party was at a local gymnasium where we've had numerous play groups before. I knew that he loved it there and that it would be low pressure and comfortable for him. We got there and he was very excited! But then got very shy and reserved for a while once everyone started showing up, mainly people that don't usually belong there like the grandparents. I guess that threw him for a loop with everything not being the same as it always is in the past when he goes there. But once he was used to them all was well! He had a blast and especially loved when everyone sang happy birthday to him!!!

So yesterday was to be his big four year old doctor's appointment. I brought my Dad with me for emotional support, as I knew the shots wouldn't be as easy to get past at this age as they were two years ago the last time that he had one. But it turns out that he has ANOTHER double ear infection, so the doctor wouldn't give him his shots anyway. Just more darn antibiotics. Poor kid. I swear he's been on them for at least 1/3 of the entire last year, hence the ENT appointment that we have in two weeks. But I was very relieved to skip the shots honestly, as I found out that he would have been getting SIX shots!!!! Can you believe that???? And there's no reason other than convenience for them to have that many at one time. They just need all these vaccinations before they start Kindergarten. Okay, fine - that's about 18 months from now. So why 6 at one time into a 33 pound child??? No way. So I have definitely decided to split them up. It will be a pain to go in to the office multiple times with our crazy busy school and therapy schedule, and it won't be fun to have Zach suffer through the whole process of getting shots multiple times instead of one. But I just don't care. That's what I'm going to do. I can't have all that crap running through his system at one time. I just can't. Even 150 pound adults don't ever get SIX friggin' shots at one time!!!!

So no school this week = Zach and I are about to kill each other!!!! We're going shoe shopping for him today - and will hopefully find some soccer cleats too. I can't wait for soccer to start in a few weeks! How darn cute!!! And then he has Speech this afternoon. But all the hours in between will be filled with head-strong brattiness, oh boy :-) I can't wait for this stage to pass!!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Now 1 in 150 kids...

This is really scary.... the CDC released last Thursday that the odds of having a child with Autism have now risen from 1 in 166 to 1 in 150. What is going on???

Is it the mercury in the vaccinations infants receive? Is it genetic only? Is it not really an epidemic, but rather better means of diagnosing it? Or something completely different? Who knows. It just is frightening no matter what the "cause" is.

Zach is set for his 4 year well visit with the pediatrician next week where he will get 3-4 vaccinations. Will I allow them to give all 4 to him at the same time? I'm really not sure just yet. Is there a real reason other than convenience to shoot all that junk through his system in one sitting? Nope. So we'll see. I'll be doing some serious ingredient reading of the vaccinations for the first time ever to ensure that there is no thermisol/mercury in the shots. While I'm not sure that I'm on board with that theory that the shots cause Autism, I'm certainly not going to turn a blind eye and risk my son regressing. It's just not worth it when I can drive to the pediatrician's office a few times and spread the shots out more. But then again Zach has to go through the trauma of shots twice if I do that.... decisions, decisions. And truthfully I'm very angry that these are even things I should have to think about. Why can't we just trust that what the GOVERNMENT approves to be injected into our children is safe? I'm just going to hope that the shots don't have thermisol/mercury in them and my decision will be easy.

But 1 in 150 now. Insane.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

So this is what it's like...

It is simply the most amazing thing in the world for me to have had this conversation with my son last night. You know, the one with Autism that a year and a half ago we weren't sure would ever say a full sentence? Well check this out. I have had a very evil sinus infection, which is not fun at all when you are pregnant and have limited drugs that you can take. I was sulking/retreating to a quiet place in my house last night when Zach zoomed by on his scooter and found me. Then the following magic took place:

"Hey Mommy, what cha' doin'?

Mommy's sick baby, please go play with your toys.

"No Mommy hurt. Mommy come play with Zachy toys"

No, sorry hunny. Mommy doesn't feel good.

"Mommy bandaid?"

No thanks, Mommy just needs to sit here, she has an owie.

"Get outta here mommy, play with toys mommy"

No hunny, I'm sorry.

(stares at me for a moment and then...) "A hug for you" and climbs onto me and gave me a hug.

Okay, aside from the AWESOME back and forth with me, staying on topic and speaking appropriately, the fact he thought on his own and pulled the idea from his own little head about giving me a hug because I didn't feel well.... well that's the first time that he has ever acknowledged and/or done something about emotions. Ever. It was amazing. The phrase "a hug for you" is from a book title, but who cares, it was totally in context and appropriate!

So this is what it's like to have a conversation that isn't predictable, and to have an end result that you didn't see coming. Simply amazing. Our little boy is coming around so rapidly these days. I just can't say it enough. Go Zachy!!!!

Friday, February 02, 2007

It's a GIRL!!!!!!

So the big sonogram was today, revealing that IT'S A GIRL!!!! We are thrilled to be having a girl, just truthfully as we would have been if it had been a boy. HEALTHY is really what's important, and so far we are looking good in that department. It was very reassuring to see the heart doing it's thing, a good heart beat, the kidneys, etc. Good stuff! All the measurements are right on target as well with her, so everything is looking great. And now I get to go shopping for pink things!!!!

So while we are thrilled to be having a girl, we are also very relieved to be having a girl as well. As I've mentioned before, and those reading that know more about autism know - boys are 4 times more likely than girls to have autism. And our chances are double that of an average parent (which is 1 in 166 - so our chances are 1 in 83) to have a second child with autism. So a girl brings us a little relief and a lot of hope, that's for sure!

In other news, Zach's language is just exploding lately. We are so thrilled with his progress. And just as of this week he's decided that he's no longer interested in watching his TV shows. WHAT??? Oh my, what am I to do with him now :-) Just kidding, the TV wasn't always on, but it was nice to have for a few breaks during the day. Now he wants constant attention and needs things to do/redirection. I never thought I'd say those words - we never knew when/if he'd really want to be so social and "with" us. It's a wonderful shift for sure, but it's also a challenging one! We're breaking out games, playdough, beads (if anyone needs a lovely multicolored bracelet, we have about 30), paint, etc to try and keep him occupied and learning. Some days are more difficult when he says no to all my ideas. But the great thing is that he's not zoning into the TV anymore but instead wanting to play and be social. It's great!

Okay, gotta organize all my thoughts now that I can think pink!!! :-) Lace and frills and pink - oh my!!!