Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Day #3 Update

If you haven't read the previous post - read it first.....

I just picked Zach up from school and got my 3 magic wishes:
1 - Same pants on? CHECK!
2 - A happy Zach? CHECK!
3 - Correspondence from his teacher about how the morning went after I left? CHECK!

The first two speak for themselves, and as for the third - I got a very nice note from his teacher updating me (I love her!!!). She writes that he did cry for about 10 minutes after being pried off of me this morning. The Special Ed teacher that isn't really his teacher, but is there to help out or check in on him as needed came into the classroom and was able to distract him. She took him to her classroom briefly just for a quick change of scenery then brought him back to his classroom where he was fine for the rest of the day. She writes that he did great and was very happy. And when I asked him if he made any new friends today, he told me "yes, a boy named Shane that is in my class too." A "typical" boy, mind you :-) YAY! So it looks like all turned out well.

And as for tomorrow morning, he's going to ride in with the neighbor previously mentioned, and get out of her car with his long time friend and they will both walk together to their classrooms, which are right across the hall from each other. It will be both of their first times getting dropped off and not walked in with a parent. I think that he will do fine because I won't be there, but she is prepared to have to walk him in if he refuses like this morning - but I really don't think that will happen since he'll have a buddy with him this time. He's very much a monkey-see-monkey do kid! We'll see....


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