Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Skipped Anniversary




I cannot believe it! I just can't!!! I was just telling a friend about how our 3-day diagnosis "event" went for Zach, and then I said that things may have changed in the way the doc does diagnosis' now since it has been over three years since Zach was diagnosed...

Do you see it?


Do you know what that means???

That means that I missed his three year anniversary. That I didn't make a big deal out of it, or even remember it. Sure we moved a few weeks prior, and sure we have busier lives the year than in the years past - but COME ON! To miss his three year AUTISM DIAGNOSIS??? How in the world can a parent forget about something like that?

I'll tell you how...

Because I no longer look at Zach as an autistic kid. I no longer count the months that we've been going at it aggressively in therapy to see exactly how far he's come in a certain time frame. I no longer scan the internet regularly for autism news or read (literally) 15 people's blogs that have kids with autism to compare my son to theirs. I no longer cry every night when I go in to check on him before I go to bed myself, praying over him that he will get better, that he will find words. And I no longer talk, talk, talk about Autism as if it is the only thing in the world to me. And all of that is because of our hard working, smart son who has done what we (and his developmental doc) didn't even think would happen - he started Kindergarten this year FULLY mainstreamed, and is doing just fine thank you! You go boy!

But I look forward to forgetting June 17th, 2009 as well :-)


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