Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Okay, Okay - a BABY Update!!!

Yep, I'm still pregnant! I'm 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant to be exact! And truthfully, I feel just fine. Well - big, huge, uncomfortable, full, achy at times, and not comfortable sleeping - but hey, I AM pregnant after all. So other than the to-be-expected's, all is well and I really can't complain.

I had an appointment this week, and there's nothing shaking with the baby. I'm not dilated at all. And I'm really fine with that. No hurry. You cook all you need to little Katie girl. I can wait until the 23rd or so to meet you! It's just 23 days! Although my doc (who also delivered Zachman) did offer to "speed things up" on the 21st or 22nd, if I'm showing any kind of signs of labor at all, as he will be out of town the weekend of my due date. Matt and I have discussed this, and we're going to pass. I don't see a need for induction (therefore extra drugs) unless medically necessary. I would LOVE for the same doc, and MY doc at that to deliver both of my kiddos. But I don't love the idea so much that I want to speed along a baby that may have otherwise wanted a few more days of growth and development. We're still just so unsure about Zachary's birth (I was 100% induced, but only a day or two early). Would he have stayed in for another few days or even a week and done some more growing? And would that have changed who he is? Who knows. But drugs and rushing it for the sake of comfort and convenience with a particular doc - not this time for me. Hopefully it won't even be an issue (although we've already decided) and she'll come on out at her own time before or after that missing-doc weekend. Only she'll know that little secret!!

So we're set on GO! Just waiting and prepping. And speaking of prepping, there's this little guy in the house, you know - the one this blog is about, who is all about babies right now. We have three good books about Arthur, the little bear of The Berenstein Bears, and then just a random cartoon family that all have new little sisters on the way. Those are Zach's favorite books right now that we have to read to him each night. And he loves to talk in his baby voice and say "awwwwww feels so soft" and "that feels better" and things that are gentle, caring, and baby themes. I guess it's good that he's kicking into delicate baby mode, and caring to read books about boys getting baby sisters, but let's hope it doesn't cause major regression. I know that most kiddos go that with the addition of a baby, but we really can't afford too much regression with him. Time will tell.

Okay, not much else going on. School's out. Therapy is doubled. Gym classes have started and he's swimming like a fish almost everyday! Summer is some good stuff!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

These People Are Made for Walkin'!

Our second annual Autism Walk was a success!!! Since last year we were still "in the closet" so to speak, it was just 3 of us walking. This year was much different! We had FIFTEEN people walking this past Saturday for Team Zachary in the "Walk Now" walk for Cure Autism Now and Autism Speaks. Those are THE two big dogs in our world of finding a cure and/or an explination for this thing called Autism. The money goes to a very, very good cause - research. And money we raised indeed - $2,055!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it! Our hearts are so touched by all the nice donations that we received from both those that we know personally, as well as perfect strangers that opened their wallets to a good cause! So to the 15 people giving their time to walk with us, and all the financial supporters of Team Zachary, we sincerely thank you. It means more than we could ever say.

My financial goal was only $1,000 for our team and I'd hoped to have about 8 walkers.... I need to set my sights higher next year :-)

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Future's Looking Bright!

I know that I have written this statement: "Zachary's speech is improving/doing really well/making great gains/etc/etc/" a lot lately, but I just can't stop saying it over and over. It's is flat out amazing how well he's doing. It's literally as if he's been asleep vocally the last few years and all of a sudden woke up... he's still a little groggy from his long nap, but as he continues to come alive he continues to have more speech. So amazing. Wonderful. Full sentences. All of it unprompted and in his own words. I am continually shocked and talking to others about the new things he said today. Everyday.

I truly believe that this is God's way of letting us know that everything is going to be okay. That Zachary has a bright future ahead of him. That our family has a bright future ahead of us. That we can add another family member and everything will be okay. That I can stop worrying... well maybe that I can stop worrying as much, because if you know me at all you know that I'm going to continue to worry about my son. And about the future of my unborn daughter. I will have one eye on each one of them for years and years to come, just waiting for a chance to exhale and realize that it did indeed turn out alright.

But I just think that it's going to. The sun is out, and it's bright.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Stop and See The Good

So, so, so much good going on over here with Zachary! I seriously feel like I need to be pinched to be sure that this amazing progress, and this FAST progress is really happening to MY little guy! So much progress in so little time. Better than trying to put it into words, I'll just give you his words. His beautiful, wonderful WORDS!!!!

- He has grown more observant lately. Whereas most parents probably talk about things that they are doing, errands they are running, etc with their kids - we've never really done so much chitter chattering with him since it was both one sided and he wouldn't have understood anyway. Well, times are a changin'. Yesterday I was putting some cards in neighbors mail boxes, and he said "Mommy, are you putting a letter in Hunter's Mommy's mail box?" I about fell over. Yes, yes I am Zachy! He's always known every one of those words, but he's just never strung them all together before - as a sentence that HE created not something he's just repeating. And it happens all the time now.

- He is talking to others more freely and a little less shyly these days. Not only just the people that he knows, but strangers too. He's finally answering the "how old are you" and "How are you doing" questions that check-out counter people ask, etc. Yesterday at swimming lessons, while we were waiting for his class to start, he started befriending a little girl. That in and of itself could be it's own whole message here about how far he's come socially, but it gets better. Since girls obviously wear their bathing suits over the top and bottom, it threw him. He asked her: "Little girl, are you wearing your life jacket?" HA! Love it! He didn't understand her being covered up on her chest unless it was a life jacket. Creative thinking. Independent thought. Initiating interaction and conversation. Beautiful.

- I had to go over to his class at swimming because for some reason this time he wasn't sitting on the side wall waiting his turn like they have to do so that the teacher can work one on one with each kid. He was jumping in and the teacher was having to get him out. So while I'm usually out of site, peeking around a corner - I had to go up and intervene as this college kid isn't going to know how to get Zach to pay attention and do what he's supposed to do. So I walked over and the look of shock and UH-OH was all over Zach's face! It was funny. Anyway, I told him that we were going to leave if he didn't listen and do what he's told, etc. He then says "go away mommy, go over there to sit"!!!! I couldn't believe the SASS. Aside from fixing that, I was excited at again, the spontaneity and the appropriateness of his FULL sentences and thoughts.

Things are going so well right now. So, so well. He hasn't progressed this much in such a short time span EVER over the nearly two year journey so far. It scares me. Will this continue? Are we really speeding down the big hill that we've been climbing over for two years now? Will Zachary be one of the kiddos to "recover" from Autism? That's a lot to even hope for, but hey when things are good how can you help but be wishful!