Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Monday, October 02, 2006


One of the major things for us to continue to work on with Zachary is his focus - or rather his inability to focus on a specific task for any length of time. Even if it is a fun task, such a coloring or doing a puzzle, children with special needs tend to not be able to stay interested or focused for more than a minute or so. This has always been the case with Zachary. But we had a breakthrough last week. We were in the driveway playing, riding his bike, etc - enjoying the beautiful cooler weather, and I pulled out the bubbles. He has always been a fan of bubbles, but only for about 2 minutes max then it's on to find something else to do. But this time he surprised me. I couldn't believe when 5 minutes passed by and he was still blowing them, then running and chasing each bubble determined to pop it. We made a game out of it. I chased some then he chased some. Then I was surprised when about 10 minutes had passed and my on-the-go child was STILL interested in bubble fun, still giggling and chasing and laughing and interacting with me. Then 15 minutes. After about 20 minutes we'd milked about all the fun you can have out of the bubble game. What? Did 20 minutes really just pass??? Yes, it did!

For most parents reading this post, you are probably a little dumbfounded at why I would dedicate an entire entry to bubble blowing, or why I'd be so happy to have played with my son and bubbles for 20 minutes. For most parents, 20 minutes of bubbles would bring about complete boredom. But for us - this was HUGE!!! It showed how well his therapists and teachers (and parents!) have been working with him on this. It shows progress. It shows connection with my son. It shows hope that if he can blow bubbles for 20 minutes, maybe he'll someday be able/willing to sit and color for 20 minutes (we're at about 20 seconds right now!). And best of all it shows promise. Promise that things will get better. That as time passes things do improve. And promise brings smiles. And for each minute of those 20 that ticked by and I realized Zachary was still focused - it brought pure exhilaration.

I see the good. I see the changes. I see the possibilities.


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