Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

A Survey

This week I went to a Support Group for Cherokee County. It was the very first meeting of the Autism Spectrum Group, and it was fabulous. Truly amazing how many people in our little county alone are dealing with Autism. And that's just the people that I know about! Amazing. One of the things talked about was Autism Awareness. We talked about how we are all aware of the misconceptions, misrepresentations, and just simple lack of knowledge out there - Matt and I were in that group ourselves until a year ago. So I want to know - what do YOU know, think, feel about Autism. Truthfully. Honestly. YOU CAN POST COMPLETELY ANONYMOUSLY!!!! I just want feedback. Don't worry about hurting my feelings or anything, as I myself would have once heard the word Autism and thought it meant that a child was never going to make it through life alone, or be able to go to school even. Don't worry, I'm not going to go on a door to door rampage educating everyone about Autism! I probably will use some of the feedback (if you guys do actually leave any!) for future posts to educate and answer questions. But beyond that, my forcefulness of promoting awareness stops at the new Autism Awareness magnet on my car. Maybe one day I'll go and fight on the steps in Washington. Maybe. But for now, I'm keeping my focus where it needs to be the most - on Zachary. On our family.

SO.... please take a quick moment, and click on the underlined "Comments" below this sentence, and let me know what your understanding of Autism is. I want to know. I can take it :-) Any questions, comments, anything at all. I thank you for your time in doing this!

***Select the option "anonymous" then ignore the two blanks for username and password, then when done choose login and publish, even though you aren't logging into anything. Weird, but how it's done!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really and truly knew nothing about it. But my understanding was that it is a severe mental disorder - anything from not speaking, to not even being able to think for themselves. I obviously now know that is or can be incorrect. I look forward to learning more from you!

8/12/2006 2:00 PM  

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