Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Back From the Beach!

We just had a wonderful 5 days away at St. George Island in Florida with Matt's family. It was fun, relaxing, and oh so beautiful on this remote island off the panhandle of Florida. Zachary had a ball, as he always does in the ocean! With each trip this summer (and this was the 3rd - lucky kiddo!) he has become more and more brave with the waves and such. He cracks us up charging into them with absolutely NO fear at all! We're still working on the whole sit-still-and-play-in-the-sand thing. He has no interest. And when encouraged to do so, he will for only a few moments, then get distracted by the sand on his hands and go back to the ocean to get it off! But he had a great time and even was saying a few new phrases this weekend. Such as "riding the waves with Daddy" and then the cutest - he would look at me and said "I'll be right back mommy, I'll be right back" then take off to get his bathing suit. Also he's taken to saying "oh hi ____" to everyone instead of just "hi ____". I don't know where the "oh" part came from but it's cute. And we played with a water hose a lot, spraying him, etc - then Matt took it over and srayed off an area covered with ants. He walked over to me and said "Daddy making a mess". Too funny!

He was worn out by the end of the trip, but was a trooper none the less. I was a bit worried about his first day back at school (at 7:45 AM too!) but I swear he was talking more on our ride home and to do some errands than he has in 5 days. School is really great for him, and he really seems to love it. It shows in his speech and overall happiness. He got in the car and starting talking about a book that he read with two boys in his class, about how he had a "spoon" for breakfast (I guess this means that he ate WITH a spoon, hopefully not that he ate a spoon!), and then talking all about the toys he was playing with in the car. Spontaneous speech is just the best! And we hear more of it on days filled with structure (school and/or therapy) than on days without it.

And finally, he just looked at my socked feet and said "mommy sock broken" when he saw the hole in my toe :-) So I guess it's time to buy some new socks!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Courtney!

I know you are so proud of Zachary!! Keep up the great work on the blog - I really enjoy it!


9/29/2006 4:31 PM  

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