Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Potty Success & A Look Ahead

Okay, so if I never believed in the power of prayer before, I sure do now! We are feeling the love people! So as I mentioned in the last post, potty training has been the 24/7 focus of the last few weeks in order to get Zach into his "typical" preschool classroom. Well low and behold, all of our efforts (and not so pleasant accident clean-ups) have very much paid off, as (dare I say it?) Zach is basically potty trained! I'm scared to even report this in fear that he may regress, but let's just say it's been 5 days now of accident free! And the absolute best part of it is that he is initiating going to the potty himself! That is huge, as it took maybe 6 months to get him to initiate any speech at all, and he's gotten it so much faster with the potty stuff. YAY for Zach!

He starts his Special Education class tomorrow, and he's very excited! His two teachers are just wonderful, and I found out at the open house last week that a lot of the kids in his class from last year have moved on to kindergarten this year, so the class size is much smaller. With an aide for each teacher and a Speech Therapist in the room it's a great dynamic! At the busiest day that he will be in there, it will be 8 kids to the 4 teachers and the ST. So that is truly exciting as the training he'll receive in that class will be a great addition to all of his other therapy sessions going on.

And just so that you all don't think we are exaggerating - here's a look into a typical week for our little man (beginning the week of Aug 14th and going forward):
Monday: Spec Ed class 7:45 - 9:30, then they take him to his "typical" class from 9:30 -12
Tuesday: Speech (1/2 hour) and Occupational (1/2 hour) back to back and then ABA for 1 hour
Wednesday: Spec Ed class 7:45 - 9:30, then they take him to his "typical" class from 9:30 -12
Thursday: Just Spec Ed class from 7:45 - 10:45 then Speech at 3:30
Friday: Just "typical" class from 9-12

And we are most likely joining a structured play group in the fall consisting of two 4 year old autistic boys that are verbal and emerging in their social skills, just like Zach is. That will be an awesome add-on as it would be the 3 boys and two therapists guiding them through playing together and using their speech. Good stuff! I only thank God that we live where we do, and that there are so many phenomenal options for our son out there!

Whew! So if you are looking for Courtney or Zach during the week... forget it :-) Just kidding!!! It should be a great school year, as with every passing day Zachary is more and more social, talkative, and simply wanting to be with us and just like us - and for that we are so very thankful!


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