Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Stop Singing Mommy!!!

Yep, that's what he just said to me :-) And while I should probably feel offended I could care less that my son doesn't want to hear my beautiful voice (right!)! He can tell me to stop singing or stop walking or stop eating, or really whatever he wants any day!!! He said "stop singing mommy" unprompted and totally on his own. This is HUGE for him! What a joy to hear!!!

And that was after I just picked him up from his special ed class where I had a little progress report chat with the main teacher as she was putting him in the car. She said that he has really blossomed already this school year and that she has very high hopes for him. She whispered that he is their "star student" and while she would hate to have him not be with them as much because he's encouraging for the other kiddos that aren't as verbal - she thinks his needs from them will be minimal next year, and even said possibly come springtime. I asked her if he actually talks in her class and/or sings the songs (out loud, not just mouthing them) during their circle time and such, and she said a very definite yes, and that he talks in appropriate context and asks questions even. I'm not truly convinced that he's asking questions as he doesn't ask questions around me, but maybe it's that he's requesting things. All I know is that it is wonderful and truly amazing that he's come so far as to use the words/sentences that he has around other people, and to do it when it's not being demanded of him, as in Speech and ABA therapies. That has been our main issue this last year as his speech has developed - he would only use his words around us and not in school or playgroup, etc.

We've come so far. I can't even express how encouraged I am, and how so very proud of my little Zachy I am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say Hello to you and your family. I have a neice w/ Autism who just turned 6 years old this summer. I love that you are trying to educate people about these sweet and special little children. I ran across your site from another site you had commented on, I hope you dont mind. Your son sounds amazing and smart keep up the great work w/ him. Shayla

9/20/2006 6:37 PM  

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