Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Moving Forward

Wow - a long, long time! In these days of three kids and just plain busy-busyness my blog has suffered. I think that the main reason is because there just isn't as much to report anymore. Thank God. Zach is amazing. He's doing amazing. He completed K with amazing, INDEPENDENT progress and has just about entirely lost his Autism label - in our eyes anyway. I really don't think that anyone meeting him for the first time would know anything is different about him anymore. So I haven't had that feeling to update this blog. We are no longer in any type of therapy at all. He does piano lessons and takes karate and is doing fantastic at both. And neither business is aware of his diagnosis. And he's had no issues what so ever. In fact both have commented on his ability to retain what he learns rather quickly. He's a fun loving, easy going, buttons pushing totally TYPICAL 6 year old boy now. And God am I ever proud of his progress.

He starts 1st grade on Monday, in a totally typical classroom setting again this year, with a very minimal IEP. I expect to hear nothing but totally normal feedback as any other parent of any other kid in the class would. I no longer worry about the "weird" things he may do, or any trouble he may cause to a teacher, as those things just don't occur anymore. We never, ever in a million years thought it would happen so fast... this "normalcy" - but it did. And I am forever and ever grateful and indebted to our fantastic therapists along the way, my husbands job for allowing us to pay the unbelievable price of private therapy for 4 long years, myself and my husband for being great parents to a little boy that needed a lot of extra help for a long time, and of course to the most amazing son a parent could ask for - for just going along with all of the demanding therapy, scheduling chaos, flashcards at home, and sometimes insanely overwhelmed and tired parenting! He is one amazing little dude. I can't wait to sit down with him when he's in his 30's and tell him all about the lessons he taught me about life, the amazing obstacles he overcame, and how he came to be the man that he is. This will all be a faded memory that I will have to look back at journals to remember :-) Well.... maybe not - but I know for sure that I will no longer think of Zach and Autism as one entity. And that was an impossible thought and wish a mere two years ago!

Continuing to move forward....