Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Zachary is a big brother.... again!

Yes, yes - little Emily was born over the weekend! So Zach is now Mr. Big Shot with two little sisters! He still wants a brother, but he's just going to have to move past that as it's not going to happen for him! :-) He was so excited at the hospital to meet little Emily, anxious to hold her and see her with her eyes open. He's been just as thrilled to have here home these first few days too. I think it will be a perfect blend for him, just like he was with Katie - interested, but not too much, which is great! We are making extra sure that he gets special attention so that he doesn't feel left out too - but truthfully Zach does a pretty good job himself of making sure he gets the attention that he wants these days!!! :-) HA!

Aside from the sibling excitement, there's really not been much to report about him, thus the lack of posts here. Truthfully, I'm not sure how much longer I'll even keep posting to this blog. He's just not an autistic kid to me anymore. He doesn't have the massive issues and hurdles facing him anymore. There's just not much to tell. And everything that there IS to tell, proves that there's just not going to be much more to tell anymore :-)

For instance, the only "real" updates that I have are:
1 - His Occupational Therapist has decided that he has run his course with her. She no longer thinks that he needs to see her! So now we are down to just one session of Speech Therapy a week! Much improved from the last 3 years of two Speech's and 1 Occupational Therapy each and every week.

2 - His session with the Developmental Pediatrician went phenomenally well! He's just blowing everyone away with his progress.

3 - His school teacher is flat out the most perfect fit for him. We feel so blessed that Zach was placed with her. She sees issues, brings them to my attention along with a suggested solution, and then implements them in the class. She is on the ball and by her being so, he's been able to be successful and move past the small little things that arise that could cause long term problems but instead are nipped in the bud by her. God bless her!

So as you can see, all is well in Zach land. Not to say that he won't need continued help, extra coaching and so on - but he's really just A KID now. And we're so thrilled to finally just let him be that!