Zachary's Journey Through Autism

This is a blog dedicated to updating our family and friends - those that have a love for and interest in Zachary's journey through Autism.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer Update

Sorry for the long absence here! We've had a busy summer with the move in early June. Things are finally settled a bit and I've realized that I needed to update this blog!

Zach has had a good, but crazy June! He was in two different week-long camps, and he truthfully did wonderfully at both! If you would have told me a year ago that I would send him off to these camps, with people that I've never met running them - or more importantly people that have never met/don't know about Zach personally running them - I'd have never believed it! He's come so far....

The first camp was a YMCA camp. He was there from 9-1 all week long with a bunch of his buddies. I wasn't too worried about this one just because of the fact that there were so many other kids that he knew in there with him. But there's still the independent worries - his potty accidents (which are back again as a result of the schedule shake-up since school's been out!), the worry that he won't communicate his needs well, and on and on. But there wasn't a single issue all week long! I was so proud of him, and he truly had a great time!

The second camp was a bit more stressful. This one was for rising Kindergartners called Safety Town. It's purpose was to spend each day teaching these kids about fire, water, poison, animal, bus, and stranger safety. It was GREAT for him! He learned so much there too! But it was scary because I was dropping him off (with no friends this time) alone at a school where 95% of the people working the camp were teenage volunteers. Yikes!!! But I have to say that they were good kids and the reports I got each day were great too. That was a huge step for me, and even though I walked away the first morning after leaving him wondering if I'd just made a HUGE mistake, and thinking that I shouldn't drive home for the few hours, but rather stay there in the parking lot just in case - I drove home, worried a bit for a few hours, anxiously picked him up and found that all was well. He did just fine. When I walked in to get him he was sitting on the floor listening to a police officer's spiel just like all the other kids. No issues. Just a big boy out on his own and doing fine!!!

So aside from these two busy back and forth camp weeks and the big move, we've had Katie's 1st birthday too! Zach showed some prominent signs of jealousy and acted out a good bit through her actual birthday festivities and the party - but I think that's normal for a sibling. Especially for the first time ever that he's had someone else have a birthday and get the spotlight.

July will bring a week long, very much needed beach vacation. And he will have a 2nd week at the YMCA camp. And then we'll gear up for the big K to start the first week of August. It will be a fast rest of the summer, that's for sure! And truthfully I think Zach would be happy if he understood that, as I know that he's craving the structure and stimulation of school vs. all the down time of summer. But of course, a new school, new teacher, new classmates, new rules and a longer day are all going to bring a lot of stress for mommy and a lot of adaptation for Zach! But with the success of the two camps, I have a renewed faith in Zach's ability to go with the flow, figure things out, and be a big boy! Once again - so proud of how far he's come!!!